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DIY Activity Ideas: Exploring Algebra - Expressions & Equations


Algebra is a fundamental branch of mathematics that deals with variables, expressions, and equations. These DIY activities provide interactive ways for high school students to understand and apply the concepts of algebra.

Activity 1: Representing Expressions & Solving Equations with Algebraic Tiles

Materials Required:

  • Eva foam sheets with printed variables and constants
  • scissors
  • adhesive

Guide students in creating algebraic tiles using Eva foam sheets. Print variables and constants on the foam sheets, representing different quantities. Instruct students to cut out the tiles and use them to form expressions by combining variables and constants. They can rearrange the tiles to simplify and solve equations. This hands-on activity helps students visualize and manipulate algebraic expressions, enhancing their understanding of variables and constants.

Activity 2: Digital Display Challenge

Materials Required:

  • Eva foam sheets
  • scissors
  • adhesive
  • markers
digit display

Engage students in a challenge to create a digital display using a 7-segment format. Provide Eva foam sheets and instruct students to cut out the segments and assemble them to form numbers or equations. They can use markers to label the segments accordingly. This activity reinforces the representation of numbers and expressions in a digital format, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.


Activity 3: Relation between Circumference and Diameter of a Circle

Materials Required:

  • Circle-shaped Eva foam sheets
  • ruler
  • thread

Introduce students to the relationship between the circumference and diameter of a circle. Provide circle-shaped Eva foam sheets and instruct students to measure the diameter using a ruler. Then, they can cut a piece of thread equal to the measured diameter and wrap it around the circumference of the circle. Students will observe that the thread wraps around the circumference approximately 3.14 times, illustrating the concept of pi (π). This activity demonstrates the connection between the circumference, diameter, and pi in a hands-on and visual way.


Circumference (C)

Diameter (d)


Circle 1

Circle 2

Circle 3


Quick understanding pic

Unveiling the Magic of Integers: Engaging DIY Activities for High School Math Explorers!

These DIY activities offer engaging and hands-on experiences for high school students to explore and comprehend algebraic concepts. By representing expressions and solving equations with algebraic tiles, creating a digital display, and understanding the relationship between the circumference and diameter of a circle, students develop a solid foundation in algebra. These activities promote critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and mathematical reasoning, making the concept of algebra interactive and enjoyable.

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