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NEP Aligned K-10 Hands-On Learning

Child Centric Inquiry based Learning

Award Winning STEM Learning Experiences for kids

10+ Years of Innovation, 12 Lakh+ Student Innovators

Map Mania

Project-Based Learning Programs Customized To Your School Needs​


Would you want to Transform student learning from ROTE TO REAL ?

Facilitate the transition of chalk & talk to student-centric mode.

Provide experiences for deeper understanding of concepts.


Would you like to kick start STEM learning in your school ?

Implement 21st century STEM learning at as low as Rs.500 per student


Would you like to Strengthen your Science curriculum with minimum hassles?

Encourage children to grow up to be Innovators of Tomorrow

Would you want your primary and middle school children to get engaged in project based learning?

Provide project-based learning experiences for primary & middle school children to inculcate the habit of experimentation.

Trigger curiosity & develop interest towards Science.


Would you want your school to be differentiated from competition?

Make your advertising spend more effective & increase the student admissions.

Focus on project based form of learning as differentiator in your school.


Would you like to transform classrooms into labs to overcome space constraints in your school?

Get rid of high capex & high operating costs for running a lab.

Get better outcomes that too at a fraction of the cost.

Butterfly fields strives to make learning more enriching, engaging and fun for children.

As children begin to apply what they learn, there will be more doers, more Scientists, Mathematicians and Biologists from the emerging world who will do outstanding work in their chosen fields.


 Feel free to leave your questions to us. We will reply you within 24 hours!

Butterfly Edufields

Benefits for the schools

Facilitates the transition of chalk & talk to student centric mode

Can support slow learners in the class better

Helps in closer binding with students

Facilitates CCE (Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation) implementation

Hands-on learning making hands and mind busy

Provides experiences for deeper understanding of concepts

Productive engagement – build, think, apply, play and explore

Encourages self learning

Happy to see their children bringing made models to their home, play, explore and experiment

Helps in improving the attention span

Supports slow learners

Effective engagement time for children, keeping them away from TV / video Games etc.

Enable 21st Century Skills – STEM learning

Zero setup cost and flexible fit to budget solutions

Differentiate from competition

Multiple modes of absorption

Option to add a margin on the fee charged to students

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Private School Science Programs
Private School Science Programs
Private School Science Programs
Private School Science Programs
Private School Science Programs
Private School Science Programs

Select Your grade

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Goods & bad habits -home, school, neighbourhood

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

My needs – foods we eat

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

People who help us

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

First Aid

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Animal around us

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Parts of Plants

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids


Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Counting in Groups

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Single digit addition & subtraction

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Numbers – Comparison

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Identifying diffrent shapes

Science Activities / Science Projects for kids


Science Activities / Science Projects for kids

Transportation – air,water, land

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Food Chain

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Birds Around Us

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Transformation-modes, polution, fuel

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

My Needs – Clothing

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Types of Houses

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Hand Washing

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Sense Of Direction

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Plants Help Us

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Animals – their shelter & young ones

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Estimation length, weight & capacity

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Different Shapes

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Double digit addition & subtraction

Science projects | Activities for grade 2 kids

Place value – 4 digit numbers

Science and math kits for grade 3

Agricultural practices

Science and math kits for grade 3

Means of communication

Science and math kits for grade 3

Solar system – planets & its features

Science and math kits for grade 3

India – states, capital cities

Science and math kits for grade 3

Waste materials management

Science and math kits for grade 3

Hydraulic canon
( air & its properties )

Science and math kits for grade 3

Dental Hygiene

Science and math kits for grade 3

Waste materials management

Science and math kits for grade 3

Birds – types of beaks

Science and math kits for grade 3

Plants – parts we eat

Science and math kits for grade 3

Understanding fractions

Science and math kits for grade 3

Making a stamp

Science and math kits for grade 3

Time division

Science and math kits for grade 3

Introduction to baisc operations

Road Signs

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Introduction to Soud

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Animals – common insects

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Pollution – air , water

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

India – river , major mountain ranges

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Plants – photosynthesis roots & venation

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Earth is oval
( rotaion & revolution )

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

simple machines inclined plane, wedge

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Modes of transpornt

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Shadow projection

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids


Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Water Purification

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Shadow projection

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Plants – Pollination

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Fractions – comparing & adding like fraction

Science and math kits for grade 4 kids

Introduction to data Handling

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Work & Energy

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Food chain – interdependence in living beings

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Degradable & non degradable waste

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Disaster management – earthquakes

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

India natural resources minerals & rocks

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Mosquito bite, structure, diseases & symptoms

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Simple machines – levers

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Air around us – vacuum cleaner

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Simple machines – Pulleys & Gears

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Seed dispersal

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Rain water harvesting

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Systems in human body

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Natural phenomena – Phases of moon

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Numbers, factors & multiles

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids

Understanding elementary shapes

Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids


Science and Math kits for grade 5 kids


Getting to know plants

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Food – where does it come from

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Composting – recycling of organic waste

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Fun with magnets

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Components of food

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Fibre to fabric – plant fibre

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Seperation of substation

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Body Movements

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Motion & measurement of distance

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Light, shadow & reflections

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Basic electric circuit

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Math operations – BODMAS rule

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Practical geometry

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Integers – positive & negative

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Algebra: expressions & equation

Science and Math kits for grade 6 kids

Mensuration – area & perimeter

Science and Math kits for grade 7

Soil – types, profile, suitability for crops

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Waste water management

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Heat – modes of transfer

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Fibre to fabric animal Fibre

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Electric current & Its effects

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Light – image & object

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Acids, bases & salts physics & chemical changes

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Weather, climate & adaptation

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Transportation in animal & plants

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Wind, stroms & cyclone

Motion & Time

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Geometry – Lines & Angles

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Exponents & power

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Symmetry : Rotational Symmetry

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Triangle & its Properties

Science and Math kits for grade 7 kids

Comparing quantities

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Crop production & management

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Microorganism – friends & foe

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Conservation of wildlife

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Solar system – celestial objects & Satelites

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Synthetic fibres & plastics

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students


Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Force pressure & area

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Sound – vibration

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Light & reflection

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Some natural phenomena static electricity

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Chemical effects of electric current

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Visualising solid shape

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Algebra – factorization


Mensuration surface area & volume

Physics , biology projects and math problem kit for grade 8 students

Understanding quadrilaterals

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Is Matter Around Us

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Compound Formation

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Structure of an Atom

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

The Fundamental Unit of Life

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Work & Energy

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 sthudents

Force & Law Of Motion

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students


science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 sthudents

Sound -Frequency & Amplitude

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Co-ordinate Geometry

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Triangles – Congruence

science physics chemistry biology projects and maths problems for grade 9 students

Area of Triangles & Parallelograms

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Chemical Reactions & Equations

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Carbon & its Compounds

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Life Process

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Control & Coordination

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Heredity & Evolution

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Human Eye & Colorful World

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Electricity Series & Parallel

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Magnetic Effects of
Electric Current -DC Motor

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students

Applications of Trigonometry

science biology physics projects and math models for 10th grade students


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